Where to Thrift Shop in Charlottesville
Where to Thrift Shop in Charlottesville
If you know anything about me you do know that I love to shop. I like the finer things in life on a budget and that is why I shop thrift stores. I do find it hard to keep track of all the Thrift Stores in Charlottesville so I wrote this post. I will put them in order of where I have gotten the best deals for the least amount of money. I do have a couple of tips for getting the most for your money.
- See if they have a ticket system where certain colors give you a discount
- See if there is a discount rack and shop it first
- Ask when they take markdowns and put it on your calendar
- Know your prices and be prepared to check on eBay right from your dressing room.
Where to Thrift Shop in Charlottesville
- The first place that I find a lot of great deals is Goodwill. I love the one on Pantops. The prices are so low and I often find dresses which are my favorite for $5 each. There are several Godwills in the area it takes awhile to look around and you really need to look carefully before you buy anything. They do have an exchange policy but they do not give your money back. You can find everything from clothes to home goods and even furniture.
My best buy ever was my couch for $20 it retailed for $800. I love it!
2. Natalie Dressed Consignment Shop I have been a fan for years. I even sell my clothes here. The best thing so I far I have bought here was a Kate Spade Faux cape for $120 retail was $700. I fell in love and I will have it for years to come. They sell women’s, men’s, and children’s clothes and shoes. They usually have a nice selection to purchase.
3. I love the SPCA Rummage. You can even bring your well-behaved pet so Our Beagle Joy hasn’t gone yet. They have clothes, home goods, and furniture. They also have tag sales. I came in on a day where all woman’s clothes were 50% off and I scored a bunch of Lily Pulitzer
4. Glad Rags – They sell new and vintage items. They have a really cool jewelry selection. I was able to buy the best Tory Burch ballet flats for $35 which was a huge steal! They also take consignors so make some money off the stuff in your closet.
5. Darling Boutique | Charlottesville VA This cute shop not only has consignment clothes but they have a ton of items from local craft people. The vibe is cool and the prices are reasonable. We were able to snag a cute dress for a reasonable price.
6. ReThreadscville- This is another shop that has a tag system current and vintage clothes. There is a wide variety of woman’s clothes and a space filled with men’s clothes. I found the prices to be reasonable and the selection was plentiful. I didn’t buy anything but my friend bought two dresses and some blouses for under $50.
I love good consignment shops in Charlottesville, Va. It is the perfect way to spend the day.
When you are done shopping or before why not have something to eat.
This is where to eat breakfast in Charlottesville.
This is what to eat in Charlottesville for Lunch.
July 14, 2018 @ 3:52 pm
I love shopping at consignment shops! I shop at them regularly in my home town. You never know what treasures you will find.
July 22, 2018 @ 12:07 pm
Thank you for sharing. Sounds like a great place.
July 23, 2018 @ 9:05 am
I love to shop at thrift stores! My favorite thing about them is the element of surprise! You never know what you may find!
July 25, 2018 @ 11:45 pm
I love finding unique items in thrift shops.
July 30, 2018 @ 9:37 am
Yes, I love thrift stores. I have found some amazing pieces from clothes to furniture.
July 30, 2018 @ 11:18 pm
(Where to Thrift Shop in Charlottesville) The food looks really good at this restaurant. I would enjoy visiting a great sounding place like this.
July 31, 2018 @ 1:12 pm
I have never shop a consignment shops on vacation. I have to try this.
August 12, 2018 @ 12:42 am
I lived near here some years ago, It is a beautiful part of the country if you ever get nearby.