Pies & Pints, Fayetteville

Pies & Pints in Fayetteville

Pies & Pints in Fayetteville - Information West Virginia

For over a year we kept hearing about a “great little pizza place” in Fayetteville but we never took the time to go…until Sunday.  The weather was perfect for a road trip.  The sky was crisp blue, dotted with white puffy clouds and despite being Memorial Day weekend, the traffic wasn’t bad.  My family and I set out for a day-trip adventure to include some state parks and scenic vistas.  Well, that was fun and we did see some great things but we got hungry after the hours of driving and walking and found ourselves basically in the middle of nothing but countryside.  We decided to re-route a bit and make a stop in Fayetteville to finally try the place we’d heard about, Pies & Pints.

We arrived a little after 1pm and were surprised to get a table.  The parking lot was full but when we were taken to our seats you could see how large the building was and, though crowded, it didn’t feel so.  We were seated quickly and told our waitress that it was our first visit.  She took a moment to go over the menu, pointing out her favorites.  We looked it over while she fetched our drinks and were surprised to not find the usual suspects.  Instead, our eyes danced from pizza name to savory topping to the delicious looking photos along the border of the menu and we were delighted to find things like feta, fresh mozzarella, marinated pulled pork, gouda, etc…

Since we had our 10 year old son with us and he has a rather unadventurous palate, he ordered a small pepperoni.  We couldn’t decide between the two favorites that our waitress mentioned, so we decided to get a large and do a half & half.  One half was a sweet & spicy, marinated pulled pork (slow roasted on site) with caramelized onions, pineapple, jalapenos, cilantro, feta and crème fraiche.  The other half had marinated grilled chicken, smoked gouda, bacon, red onions, chipotle cream and scallions.  The portions were huge and even our son’s small was too big for him to finish.  The chicken gouda was a nice medley of flavors and one slice was quite filling, but our favorite was the pulled pork.  The sweet and sour mixed with the sweet pineapple, feta and crisp crust was delightful.

We decided to get the whole dining experience so we opted to pack up the remaining pizza and try the desserts.  Cheesecake with freshly made raspberry sauce and a chocolate brownie with a layer of peanut butter rounded out our meal.  Both were totally indulgent and lovely but all we are still talking about, a few days later, is that pulled pork pizza!  Leftovers at home the next day were rationed out and thoroughly enjoyed.

If you are ever in downtown Fayetteville, WV you must try a gourmet pizza at Pies & Pints.  Their slogan is “Get Some” and boy, did we!  They also have locations in Charleston and Morgantown.

Pies & Pints in Fayetteville - Information West Virginia

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