Tips for Taking a Taxi in the City

Be prepared when Taking a Taxi

Top 10 tips for taking a taxi, be prepared so you don't have to be scared.
Photo Courtesy of

I spent 5 days in Chicago last month and had to conquer several of my fears and one of them was Taking a Taxi. If you  live in a major city,where taxis are common, this may seem relatively silly. However, I grew up in the suburbs in Michigan and have never taken public transportation. The Metro Detroit area does have taxis and buses but they are not used on a regular basis for most. We do have a bus system but over the years the service has been cut back in the suburbs because most people have cars and use them.

I was not driving into Chicago because of the high cost of parking and had chosen to arrive by train. Traveling by train was an adventure in itself but that is a story for another day. I had done some advance planning and knew that I would need to take a taxi from the train station to the hotel as it was a few miles away. I did have a support system as I was traveling with a friend and we were able to tackle this “First” together.

After Spending 5 days using taxis and venturing out on a bus ride, I have come up with a list of 5 tips to follow when taking a taxi.


10 Tips For Taking a Taxi

Top 10 tips for taking a taxi, be prepared so you don't have to be scared.
Courtesy of
  1. Look for a taxi stand. Many hotels,airports, venues,etc. have a designated taxi area or someone to help hail you a taxi. This saves you from standing in the road trying to wave one down. Also some cities and states do not allow a taxi to stop in the street or jump the taxi line so they must keep on driving even when they see you.
  2. If you are in a quiet area that is not seeing much traffic,walk to the nearest large intersection or call for a taxi.
  3. Make sure the car has taxi logo prominently displayed just don’t get in a car because it stops.
  4. Be prepared to pay cash. Some cities require taxis to take credit cards but the system may be down. I also found using cash saved me the worry of having my credit card information stolen.
  5. If you want a specific route taken ask them when you get in the car do not wait until you are already on your way.
  6. If you are stuck in traffic but close to your destination, don’t hesitate to ask to get out and then walk the rest of the way. This will save you money.
  7. If you want to file a complaint about your cab ride,request a receipt which will have the information you need.
  8. Remember to Tip!! A tip is a way to show you appreciate the service you received. 15% is a good amount and add $1 or $2 for each bag if they help load them.
  9. Be aware of taxi fares in the area you are taking a taxi. This ensures you will not get cheated.
  10. Don’t ever admit you are a tourist or don’t know where you are going. This will allow a dishonest taxi driver to take the “long way” to your destination.

Do you have any tips for Taking a Taxi that you would like to share? Leave a comment below!

Topic: Taking a Taxi