Costa Rica Vacations with Kids

Costa Rica Vacations with Kids

vacations with kids
Costa Rica Vacations

This photo of Drake Bay Wilderness Resort is courtesy of TripAdvisor

We have taken Costa Rica Vacations with kids many times and love going there.  One’s first trip someplace new can make or break your idea if you should ever return, especially if you have kids with you.  Our first trip to Costa Rica was to Drakes Bay Wilderness Resort with our two boys and we had a blast!   This Resort was not a luxury resort but it had everything we could want and their service was excellent.  Drakes Bay is a more remote place to stay in Costa Rica and may be a bit rustic for some.  There are about 6 lodgings in the area of Drakes Bay.  We have returned to Costa Rica many times as I mentioned, but my fondest memories are from this first trip.   My husband says you can never re-create a trip experience but I want to keep trying.

Our boys were 8 & 12 years old when we took this vacations with kids.  Drakes Bay Wilderness Resort is very family friendly and the cost is all inclusive so having to worry about paying for extra food was not a worry.  They provided  3 huge meals a day including non alcoholic drinks, family style in a large building.   No need to worry about getting hungry between lunch and dinner because they also served snacks an hour before dinner.  We were never hungry and the food was fantastic!

We had such a wonderful experience for our first trip to the tropics.  We experienced monkeys, river rafting with the lodge canoes, horse back riding, boat rides to other islands for more adventures, hiking up rivers to waterfalls and so much more.  Our boys were kept very busy as were we.

This trip was also the first experience with alternative health care that my husband had experienced.  We were on a horse riding tour when one of our sons became violently ill…with diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.  He was so sick he could hardly walk.  The guide we had said he could help him.  We followed the guide to a local home on the island and the lady went into her “back yard”.   She took many plants and brewed a tea for my son.  After drinking this tea within 20 minutes my son was feeling well and he was not sick the rest of the trip!   My husband was shocked and has never questioned if I wanted to use alternative medicine since.  We both have more respect for being so isolated from traditional medicine.

Back to what Drakes Bay Wilderness Lodge has to offer:  great lodging, hospitality, food and tours!  These tours are available:

Corcovado National Park

Dolphin Tour

Canopy Tour

Bug Tour

Cano Island

Mangrove Tour

Animal Farm with Waterfall

AND More….


Check out these tips for International Vacations with Kids 
