When Mommy Travels

I am embarking on a trip overseas the problem is my kids aren’t happy I am leaving. I am however, still going but I thought about it and decided there is something I could do to make my departure a little less upsetting. I usually call daily or Facetime my family when I travel but when you go overseas with the hour changes and my schedule it does become increasing difficult. I know how hard it is to be the parent at home with children who want to talk to the parent away and they aren’t reachable. I spent years dealing with this very issue and the resolution is to do something for the children so they know the parent that is traveling is thinking of them. I need a way for my kids to feel special and loved when mommy travels. 

When mommy travels she writes love notes to her children

This is the idea I came up with I would write them notes one for each day and I would leave them for them to open. I decided on some days there would be little gifts and other day just cute notes. I am of course a teacher so I am going to provide facts about the places I am visiting and I may even find website urls that the children can visit so they can also see what I am experiencing. I have three children so by the end of my trip they will have learned 30 facts and will have received 10 letters each since my trip is ten days.

When mommy travels she writes notes and leaves gifts

When Mommy Travels – She Writes Love Notes

This is what you will need to replicate my idea




Hershey kisses (they do need a kiss everyday from their mom)



Small toys or books

I picked up items under $1 just to have something to give them. I also try to do something or learn something on my trip that I can share with my family. This trip I will be attending a Thai cooking class when I visit Thailand. I believe that letting your kids know they are special is an important thing to do no matter where in the world you are when mommy travels or when daddy travels.